Cold Weather Anecdote

An email we received this week:

“…On one of our back-country weekend trips, one guy wore rubber insulated hunting boots and had problems keeping his feet warm. Another person on the same trip had cheap Kamik snowmobile-style boots and the synthetic rubber cracked in the cold to the point that the toe of the boots came right off. Personally, I have always been fine with Sorel 1964 pack boots and vapour barrier socks…that is until the last family day weekend. Remember that weekend? It was minus 42 at Mew Lake in Algonquin and I had to keep my feet close to the tent stove. But, you know what, Dave? My brother, Stu Hill, was wearing his new Lure of the North moccasins and couldn’t be more comfortable! He made them at the Canoe Museum last fall…

…Here’s a pic of that fateful day at Mew Lake. The ranger had to jump start almost everyone. And that’s my brother just strolling around at minus 42 in his fancy moccasins. Maybe I’ll have to order a kit from you…”

DIY Kits here
